How can I find a family to nanny share with?
You may already have a friend or a neighbor with children of a similar age interested in sharing a nanny with you. If this is the case congratulations you can jump straight ahead to begin your search for a nanny in your area. If you do not have this good fortune; do not panic! will help you link up with other families in your area, that have children of a similar age also wanting to nanny share.
The search options on our extensive online database will allow you to narrow your searches to find the families in your own area that you are looking for. You can search by postal code, the number of children a family has and the ages of the children that they have.
Remember that when looking for a family it is important to be open and flexible and to share clearly your expectations with them.
The search options on our extensive online database will allow you to narrow your searches to find the families in your own area that you are looking for. You can search by postal code, the number of children a family has and the ages of the children that they have.
Remember that when looking for a family it is important to be open and flexible and to share clearly your expectations with them.